Monday, May 24, 2010

Rocket Girl and Go Go Brain

Sumpthin's going on in this non-typical OCD overdrive "big head" almost 32 year old (yes, 5 days to go) brain. Tranquility? No, not just yet, that's like death bed deep. Simplicity? Umm, almost. Acceptance? What? Yes, acceptance! That's IT! and it feels so good! It's the kind that comes after a long run with a rockin' playlist, when I feel like I've figured a few things out, oh, so good! I've realized that I can accept myself as is, others as is, and what is to is. Today, there is no need for redefining or over analyzing. I can accept things as they are; and with that comes this overwhelming sense of peace. I might be bad at calling my best friends back (or ever), I might tell the kids that Mama needs some quiet time, most of the time, and I might tell the love of my life that I can't sit still so don't pause the DVR for me. But, that's okay. As selfish as it seems, I just accept that this is the way I work without thinking "Am I doing it right? "Is this what you want from me?". It seems trite, but I can only perceive what I know to be true, and not think about what others might think. Because bottom line: I might never know what goes on in your mind. But mine, mine is good.

1 comment:

DaddyDave said...

200% agree! Love you Mag!