Thursday, November 09, 2006

So Many Questions, Such invaluable information

I can completely waste a perfectly good day wondering about things. There's a race coming up that Nanu and I are running - 4 miles around the San Antonio Courthouse. I convinced myself and Amy we needed to run with promises of grand door prizes and I've almost hooked Tracy, but she might not be available due to parental obligations. However, I'm hoping to get her with a great t-shirt clause. With that said, after a ritualistic morning e-mail check, it's 11 am and I have typed a dreadful, I wish I could take it (along with the hour or three I spent sitting in front of the computer) back. The e-mail reads:

Dear Runaway Bar Associtation 4 miler,

Hi! I apologize ahead for these questions, but as a curious runner I must ask:

1) Is there a prime parking location?

2) Is there a course map available? If not, can you tell me the streets we are taking?

3) What is your opinion about the shirts? Are they cute?

Okay, the last one is laughable, but again I am quite curious.


I have to admit that e-mailing gives me the courage to ask these questions that I would not ask over the phone due to India answering, hold, and "What, who is this crazt lady calling? Betty Boop?"

I suffer from this brazen, unabashed plaque often 1) because I really want to know, 2) somebody made me quite grouchy, 3) does any one really think customer service answers?

Sometimes, it's a generic reply, but it sure makes me feel better to get it out there. Again, a computer can be theraputic for this lady who sometimes thinks on a 7th grade level.

If you have any crazy experiences let me know, I would like to justify my behavior.

Your friend and ultimate time waster,



Anonymous said...

yeah, so are the shirts going to be cute? i could really use a long-sleeve one..and have you registered for Turkey trot..
Also can I ride with you? (for the 4miler (not the Trot-4 i would go crazty))

I have questions too. Thank goodness your not in India..

I need some coppee..just not before the race..but u never know they tend to recruit nice people who hand out that kind of "drug" to unsuspecting runners.

And umm, TRACIE you need to find babysitter..!


Anonymous said...

oops sorry tracy im not sure how to spell it tracie or tracy..
hmm. cause it bothers me when my name is spelled Aimee and not Amy..

im just picky..

nanu's going to bed now!

Pisser said...

Well, that's because Aimee is a stupid name, who the hell spells it like that and then gets mad at people when they didn't know their name was not spelled the normal way but like "Aieeee."

Hey, those are perfectly valid questions, IMHO.

I'll bet their recipient at least got a kick out of them-! Especially if you're willing to RUN 4 mi. but won't participate if you have to walk a few blocks to the race after parking in BFE ;)

Anonymous said...

You haven't written a new blog in forever, you're falling behind nanu. Interesting minds want to know! Come on mama tell us a story!

love ya,
