So...I'll admit it, it's just an excuse to shop. And it all started a trip to IKEA and another one. I dragged #1 and #2 with me for promises of fun - a NEW toy and a SPRITE, plus lots of gum for #2 because she mostly swallows it. We did have a lot of fun for the 5 hours of overwhelming (and cheap) world of IKEA. However, next time I will take up the FREE child care they offer and shop buy myself for the two hour time limit. After two seperate hours trashing the toy section, I realized I just want to get the heck out - the kids can stay and shop !?! However, when I checked out, drove 45 minutes to M&Ds, showed off all the great buys, I realized it was a PERFECT day!

Yep, you have realized it... I am crazy. Except it gets worse. So my best friend who has moved back to D Town from a working stint in Phoenix came over that night. She isn't the shopper I am - she runs in, buys what she wants, and leaves within a reasonable time period. I have to look at everything, think about it, carry it around, think some more, put it back and repeat the process. No, it's not fun, but I'm accepting the fact that I am crazy and it's just in the package that's become me. So I am on this high and I have to bring out everything again, show her, and apologize for not behaving properly as I am clearly obsessed.

After I calm down I realize a few things: Dave's already hung up on me and already can feel the heat of the unrelenting guilt that overcomes me after this process. Okay, so I have to return a few items. I'm going back with a strategic plan - think only playroom/office and a cohesive style for our bedroom. Did I say I was only returning items?
So my next victim is Mom, and although I have a shopping style more like my Dad, she has agreed to go on the adventure. I don't think she is truly aware of what she's gotten herself into. So we pack it up and head out another 45 minutes and $3.25 for the tolls.
Horrible, awful, but in the sadist fashion - FUN! Mom had only one request: “Are you ready to go?”
Almost, can you watch Ave in the toy section while I run through here?
Overall, I realize I have too much time on my hands. I might need professional help. I need to keep my own obsessive habits quiet in my head. (So SORRY!)
Until next time, I'm off to Home Depot to refinish a bookcase!

Anne did you really buy that stuff that you posted pictures of?..half the stuff in Ikea I really like and half of it I'm like thinking what in the world is that and what do you do with it?
I want to go next time I'm up in Dallas..teehee!
What in the hell even IS that stuff?! A Florhenneeherhehrg?!
Tell Dave that your shopping habits are just REVENGE for the evil that is HOME DEPOT.
I hope he doesn't like to go there, I hate it and I went TWICE on the same day over the weekend.
H.D. is for ICKY BOYS!
No candy-!!!
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