Thursday, April 20, 2006

Can I get a ZZZ? How about a little shade?

I know this insomnia thing is bad. For the 3rd night in a row 1:30 AM rolls around and I am wide awake. This calls for extreme measures - I'd really like to go to bed at 6PM, but at this hour I need to be aware because not using pot holders and setting steak knives instead baby spoons can create problems.

Ohhh, the evil plots of a sleep deprived stay-at-homer!
Last night 7:00 rolled around, both kids were in bed! With a little strategic planning (ie boot camp for babes) the afternoons are busy. This helps, not only so I can stay awake, but can put them to bed dog-tired right after dinner. ;-)

"Let's walk to the park!" Who cares if it's almost 100 degrees?
We take off with the Chicco umbrella stroller for a little off-roading. Will eagerly walks beside the stroller looking for dinousaur bones as we experience Death Valley in San Antonio. It is a little hot for April...
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I started to feel a little guilty: Avery burned her hiney on the slide and Will's face, though covered with a baseball hat, was slightly tomato - let's not talk about my shoulders which hurt so bad I’m issuing a bra ban.

We return from our 90 minute adventure. Avery and Will needed something to cool them off.
Maybe a water hose?
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So I let them waste water - this is hard for me to do because I worked in water enforcement at the EPA and our water supply is truly valuable. Anyway, the whole time water is running down the cul-de-sac I watch out for SAWS, and enjoy my children laughing with sheer pleasure of this refreshing treat. Bottom line, we had a great time AND they were in bed really early!!!

Yahoo! So I managed to sneak in bed a little before 8pm. Dave wondered what happened to me when I didn't come back during the prevail of the number 1 Natural Wonder of the American West Coast on the travel channel last night (Promise, nothing else was on). He wandered in and I was under the covers praying I wouldn't wake up at 1 again. I forced my eyes open reading Real Simple Family and a cheesy murder mystery until 10 and then lights out. Surely, as tired as I was I will sleep through the night.

Fat Chance - 1:30 like an electric cattle prod I am awake. After an hour of shutting my eyes so tight I expect crows feet tomorrow I give up and high tail it out of my room. I'll clean the kitchen, fold laundry, organize the pantry, make a grocery list, put together PB&J sandwiches, and then I can sneak off to the grocery store right when it opens.

Hallelujah, I'm awake and not paralyzed by sleeplessness. After much productiveness in the kitchen plus scrapping recipes in a photo album I am hungry for breakfast. Instead of the traditional GoLean Crunch I prepare 2 eggs over hard, toast with jelly, and raspberries. Ahh, Heaven (but its dark outside). And I realize this is just not right - it's 5:15, I can't do this any longer, I'm going back to bed. And I dreamt about sleeping until 7:30. Now that, my friend, is Heaven!


aes said...

Nanu you seriously need help.

TMK said...

What in the world could be the cause of this insomnia thing? This is so weird! I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

If you could go back to work for a week, I'm sure you'd be magically cured of this affliction...however, Dave and the kids wouldn't be too happy-!

So you're a morning person...AND a night person! Everybody wins.
:) rach