And a few other blessings for modern day conveniences:
I give my blessings to...
To my automatic car door locks, may you keep my children safe when I throw you into reverse with Will hanging half-way out.
To my microwave whom I trust to make easy mac-n-cheese, may you always make powdery orange into dinner bliss and boil my water in a caffeine tea-drinking frenzy.
To internet shopping, may you never make me try things on and disguise the dimples growing in unfriendly places (my knee?). And bless you for allowing me to dump my shopping cart where ever I please.
To the dollar store, may I always take my children in and say “pick any toy you want”. Bless you for giving me more storage containers that stuff to store. This is heaven sent! Mind you at the dollar store on San Pedro I think I might need a disguise. On the side of blessings Lesson 1: Don’t make wise cracks about yourself and a few of your obsessive qualities, the checker will remember you.
To my cell phone, may you never be left on top of my car again for I depend on you way too much – need I ever remember a phone number with you. Bless you for letting me be “hands free” only to have poor souls peer my way when I am having an especially animated conversation.
To my scanner, for when I figure you out you will preserve a Polaroid or two from the past so I can show my children pictures like this:
Cute glasses, Mom! And while I'm counting my blessings I love you Judy, Mary, Mom, Jennie, and Melissa.
sister,sister my dear friend. my love for you will never end.
you are beautiful.
you are kind. I hope you're near my whole long life.
huggies..and shop on,
my sista.
(sorry for the deleted comments, Joe was editing me.(it's all good though)except for my double parentheses). Good night.
too cute. I love this one!
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